Wellness & Well-being Highlights
for the
Week of December 18, 2022
This week’s edition of our Worker Wellness & Well-being blog consists of topics from the homelessness crisis in the USA to the lowering of life expectancy in the USA to, once again, the impact of fentanyl on our society. Today, I wish to highlight the articles pertaining to how synthetic drugs (i.e., fentanyl and meth) are being weaponized by countries like China and Mexico to destroy communities from within. This blog has provided dozens of articles over the past year indicating how our loved ones are dying all around us…this scourge knows no boundaries! To this end, it is important to keep in mind that we reap what we sow. Our free market economy way of life continues to push manufacturers to seek lower costs and higher earnings. Often these producers must move production overseas in order to cut labor costs, etc. In turn, as consumers seek cheaper goods, we gut the backbone of our cities and towns: good paying jobs with benefits. Some experts suggest that China is exacting revenge for the Opium Wars (over 100 years ago) by leveraging the new idleness in these (rural) locales. America must reframe the concepts of addiction and recovery if we are to stem the tide of overdose deaths in this country!
The homelessness crisis
2022 Women’s Health Survey
Suicide / Warning signs
Grief & Holidays
Loneliness & holidays
Managing Anxiety?
Gambling / Teens / College
Screening for anxiety <66
US life expectancy (1)
US life expectancy (2)
MH Journey
MH: More Americans seek help
Teens & MH
Candy & Addiction
Trauma & US Intelligence
Impact of pandemic on rural HC workers
Frats & Narcan
STL Co Opioids Settlement
Snap Chat & Fentanyl sales
Brief history of US plunge into opioids
US fentanyl deaths
Fentanyl seizure’s potential impact
Mexican cartels & Fentanyl
The shift from plant-based drugs to synthetic drugs
DEA’s fentanyl failure
Fentanyl’s flow from China to Mexico to USA
Testing for fentanyl
Fentanyl: How media misguides public
US Attorney General & Powder/Crack Cocaine
Vets / Pain / Acupuncture
Healing power of forgiveness
Plugging the plug on social media
Student loan: Update
Concussions & Q Collar: Real or Myth?
Child labor & Hyundai supplier
2022 & Union organizing
Upcoming Webinar:
Suicide Awareness & Prevention
NOTE: The links provided above are for informational purposes only. None of these serve as a substitute for medical advice one should obtain from his/her own primary care physician and/or mental health professional. Please contact johngaal@moaflcio.org with related questions or comments.