Wellness & Well-being Highlights
for the
Week of August 28, 2023
This week’s edition of our Worker Wellness & Well-being blog consists of topics on how some communities are handling 911 calls with Mental Health experts vs Police to why HR professionals should prioritize Mental Health issues to how and why a construction union in KC, MO is calling on local, state, and federal officials to improve and ensure worker safety on the job site. Today, I wish to shed some light on a newly published study that indicated child gun deaths in the US have hit a record high. In 2021, nearly 4800 kids died by gunfire…of which nearly two-thirds were Black children while white children made up almost 80% of gun-assisted suicides. I, like many of you, am a gun owner. However, upon reflection, I cannot support the NRA’s rhetoric concerning 2nd Amendment Rights at the expense of our kids’ futures. Yet, here we are at the dawn of another election year, publicly debating the value of one’s rights vs a child’s life…while Rome is burning!
Kids killed by guns hit record number
Highest OD deaths in construction
Politician/Vet calls out opioids profiteers
Spending on pharma & MH to rise
Tonic Immobility: On the Trauma of Rape & Freezing
On Black Americans & Depression
Finding Meaning: Wheelchair Football
Update: Teamsters & UPS Contract Vote
AZ / Chip Mfg / Foreign Labor Issues
Wages: The Bidding War is Over?
Mallinckrodt Hides Behind Bankruptcy to Avoid Settlement Payments
Is AI Coming After White-collar Jobs?
Laborers Speak Out In KC After Needless Jobsite Death
Fed Warns About Construction Worker Fraud
College Students & Construction Careers
Cobalt / Batteries / Child Labor
Upcoming seminars, etc.:
NOTE: The links provided above are for informational purposes only. None of these serve as a substitute for medical advice one should obtain from his/her own primary care physician and/or mental health professional. Please contact johngaal@moaflcio.org with related questions or comments.