Wellness & Well-being Highlights
for the
Week of April 23, 2023
This week’s edition of our Worker Wellness & Well-being blog consists of topics from how a US Senator confronted his mental health issues to how a nature hike can improve your well-being to when to retire and upon doing so how one can enter a 2nd (service) career. Today, I wish to shed some light on the issue of gun violence. To date, there have been more mass shootings in the USA than days in the 2023 calendar. In fact, this year’s number surpasses that of this time last year (131 v 113). Nearly 60 years ago, as I child, my school classmates and I practiced “duck-and-cover” drills in case of an atomic attack. Today, among other drills, 5 year olds are practicing “active shooter” drills. Meanwhile, we have state legislators across this country banning library books v confronting the proliferation of weapons! Just last week, I wrote about the negative impact of ACEs (trauma) on our children’s futures. We have a choice: Look towards a model like the one in Philly or sit on the sidelines while our kids continue to die from senseless violence!
Stressed workers looking for support from employers
US Senator helps break MH stigma
European model for addressing mental illness
Backlash on telehealth scripts
Philly’s approach to Kids’ shootings
Why are kids getting shot for honest mistakes?
Upcoming webinars, etc.:
NOTE: The links provided above are for informational purposes only. None of these serve as a substitute for medical advice one should obtain from his/her own primary care physician and/or mental health professional. Please contact johngaal@moaflcio.org with related questions or comments.