Wellness & Well-being Highlights
for the
Week of December 11, 2023
This week’s edition of our Worker Wellness & Well-being blog consists of topics concerning how suicide deaths increased in 2022—especially when it comes to elderly men—to the matter of the Sacklers bankruptcy move to protect their personal assets now landing before the US Supreme Court to how a small medical trial shows some promise for people who suffered traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) by means of an implanted electronic stimulation device. Today, I wish to shed some light on the topic of PISA test scores. Earlier this week, the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development) released the findings from the Program for International Student Assessment in 2022. In general, this is a test that samples 15-year-olds’ subject matter knowledge (reading, science, and math) in nearly 40 counties across the globe. The OECD last tested students in 2018. Needless to say, COVID-19 is suspected to have played a large role in the decline in learning among most countries’ students with the exception of Canada, Estonia, and Japan (all of which saw improvement in each subject area). More specifically, while US students held their own when it came to reading and science their math scores decreased by 13 points (20 points is considered to be equivalent to a year’s worth of learning)…ranking the US 28th out of 37. So, why is this topic important to us as an industry, community, or nation? Because experts suggest that math nurtures critical thinking and problem-solving skills…essential for children’s mental development. In essence, decreases in our students’ math scores may not only put our nation at a competitive technological disadvantage but can also result in overwhelming implications for mental health. If the pandemic has taught us a few lessons, one is that those in the workforce development space can no longer afford to silo hard skills and soft skills!
Sources: https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/education/pisa-2022-results-volume-i_53f23881-en
2022: Record for Suicide Deaths
Opioid Epidemic / Treatment / Racial Disparity
US Senate & Opioid Legislation
US Treasury on Fentanyl & Mexico-China
US Treasury on Fentanyl & Mexico
Sacklers / Bankruptcy / US Supreme Court (1)
Sacklers / Bankruptcy / US Supreme Court (2)
Sacklers / Bankruptcy / US Supreme Court (3)
Sacklers / Bankruptcy / US Supreme Court (4)
Sacklers / Bankruptcy / US Supreme Court (5)
Are states striving to distribute Narcan?
More on not meeting demand for MH care
AI & Medicine: How to prevent mistakes?
Middle school boys / Falling behind / Help
Ancient healing in modern world
Meh: Persistent depressive Disorder
Hearing Loss: More than loud noise!
More on Doctors & Labor Unions
Teamsters strike / DHL / Cincinnati
SWA Flight Attendants Reject Contract Offer
Danes join Swedes in Tesla strike
US-DOL / Biden / Labor support
Germany & Craft Apprenticeships
Canada’s Supreme Court / Construction Safety / Owners
Upcoming webinars, etc.:
NOTE: The links provided above are for informational purposes only. None of these serve as a substitute for medical advice one should obtain from his/her own primary care physician and/or mental health professional. Please contact johngaal@moaflcio.org with related questions or comments.