Wellness & Well-being Highlights
for the
Week of September 30, 2024
This week’s edition of our Worker Wellness & Well-being blog looks at the complexities of PDMPs (prescription drug monitoring programs)—to how one of the best basketball players of all time is on a mission to ensure children can read at grade-level—to advice on retiring abroad vs in a domestic rural setting. This week I would like to take this opportunity to take a closer look at how Narcan is at last becoming a staple in more and more workplaces.
If you have followed this blog—off and on—for the past few years, it should be no surprise that I became excited to see a big player like Amazon make the commitment to stock its warehouses with Narcan. In the interest of remaining positive, their action will hopefully move other mega-companies to do the right thing. Why? Because the CDC reported in 2022, that nearly 2/3s of the workforce (over 18 yo) experienced a SUD (substance use disorder). Hence, I go back to the old saw that “employees are a firm’s most important asset.” If this is so…then why is it taking so long to ensure the safety of our workers, customers, etc. in this country?
The article linked below goes on to say that much of the resistance is related to stigma. I could not agree more! Back around 2017, when a colleague of mine and I approached various players in the construction industry, we were typically told one of two things: a) our industry does not have an opioids “problem” or b) our legal department recommends that we not conform to our ask in the so-called interest of liability. Meanwhile, construction workers across this nation were dying from drug overdoses in restrooms on job sites.
Most of you have already heard my SWA story from nearly 2 years ago. I, for one, was blessed to be in the right place, at the right time, with the right set of skills and save a stranger…someone’s son and possibly a brother, husband, and/or father. Honestly, it takes less than 15 minutes to learn how to administer Narcan. For those of you on the more cautious side, I recommend scouring the ANSW (Alliance for Naloxone Safety in the Workplace) website linked below for more info on training, Good Sam laws, corporate policy, etc. As I mentioned to a group of construction leaders a few nights ago, this truly is a matter of We vs Me. I, alone, cannot put a dent in this DEADLY epidemic…but WE can!!! In closing, the longer WE allow vital public health issues like this to remain in silence, the more WE promote the stigma surrounding these tough topics plaguing our society. Please join me in saving lives by getting trained and helping our neighbors in need!
Trans-teens / Anti-trans States / Suicide Attempts
MH Crisis: Ghosting Patients in Need
Galaxy Gas: New Dangerous Trend
US’s True Costs w/ Gun Obsession
Patient Portals / MH / Privacy
More on Building Meaningful Connections
Fragmented Cannabis Laws = Public Health Risks
FDA Approves New Schizophrenia Med
Unintended Consequences: Disability Benefits Program
Full Body Workout: Paddleboarding
High Blood Pressure & Pregnancy
Vets / Suicide Prevention / FREE Gun Safes
A near perfect political predictor
China’s Forced Labor impact on US/CAN/MEX
Social Media & Work Productivity
Careerism’s impact on Colleges
Telecoms & Apprenticeship Programs
Work & No Safe Place to Complain
US-DOL / Jeff City / Wage Violations
Upcoming webinars, etc.:
OSHA: Stress & MH in the Workplace (9/30)
Leveraging “988” in the Workplace (10/24)
MO Suicide Prevention Coalition Academy
From Suicide Prevention to Postvention
Spiritual Well-being
NOTE: The links provided above are for informational purposes only. None of these serve as a substitute for medical advice one should obtain from his/her own primary care physician and/or mental health professional. Please contact johngaal@moaflcio.org with related questions or comments.