Wellness & Well-being Highlights
for the
Week of Dec 9, 2024
This week’s edition of our Worker Wellness & Well-being blog looks at a couple of significant drug busts here and abroad…on land and sea—to how a wave of people in recovery are now entering their twilight years—to how US-DOL is looking to revamp a system of lower than minimum wages for disabled workers. This week I would like to take this opportunity to shed some light on our “hometown” HERO: Jason Kander, Missouri’s former Secretary of State and, more importantly, former US Army intelligence officer.
Less than a decade ago, Jason was no doubt a rising political star on both the state and national levels. However, his battle with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was enough to cause him to take a step back and remove himself from the world of politics in order to obtain much-needed help. For this, I admire Jason! But our “native” son’s journey does not end here….
If you missed the chance to see the related 60 Minutes’ segment last Sunday (12/01), I highly recommend taking 15 minutes to watch the video in the link below. In it, from my viewpoint, Jason truly exhibits a phenomenon that is known as Post Traumatic Growth (PTG). The concept of PTG is a relatively new theory since it has only been around since the 1990s. In short, PTG suggests that people can experience positive psychological change after trauma or other challenging life circumstances. To this end, Jason was able to bring a variety of stakeholders together in order to devise a fluid, clever, and successful plan to rescue ~400 Afghanis—from the Taliban—who were left behind after the US withdrawal in 2021…including his translator’s nephew and family.
Far too often, we complain about what’s wrong in our state/country. This is one time, no matter your political party, ALL mid-westerners should be proud to say they “know” the chief architect of Operation Bella. May God bless all those who assisted Jason in these beautiful efforts!
Source: https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/jason-kander-afghanistan-rescue-plan-60-minutes/
Telehealth & Suicide Prevention
Employers / MH / Neurodiversity
Mexican Drug Busts / Violence / Missing Persons
More on Drug Cartels & Violence
+200 tonnes Cocaine & Australian Seizure
Canadian Truckers & $40m IL Drug Bust
Pain Management for Construction Workers
Exploited Girls / Apps / Abusive Mothers & Pedos
Update: Oregon’s Drug Law Re-do
What NOT to Say to a Grieving Friend
How CRISPR is helping some w/ Rare Disorders
MO Vet / Afghan Family / Wedding Gamble
US-DOL / Meat Processing / Child Labor
Nestle & Starbucks / China / Labor Violations
Potential Impact of New Immigration Policies
Construction / Tariffs / Deportations
Kaiser Strike / MH Workers / Patients
Update: Canada’s Postal Strike
STL Laborers & Paid Maternity Leave
US-DOL / <Minimum Wage / Disabled Workers
Employers / Child Care / Employees
Canada / Seniors / Healthcare Costs
Do workers FULLY use their benefits?
Are workplace MH programs working?
Are MO’s Politicians Blocking Voters’ Approval?
SAFETY: Warehouses & Storm Shelters
Upcoming webinars, etc.:
Benefits & Challenges of Mentoring in Construction
NOTE: The links provided above are for informational purposes only. None of these serve as a substitute for medical advice one should obtain from his/her own primary care physician and/or mental health professional. Please contact johngaal@moaflcio.org with related questions or comments.