Wellness & Well-being Highlights February 24th
Wellness & Well-being Highlights
for the
Week of Feb 24, 2025
This week’s edition of our Worker Wellness & Well-being blog looks at why Mexican drug cartels are now labeled as Terrorist organizations—to how cuts in Washington DC are hurting Vets and farmers—to how drones are being used to deliver medical “supplies” in emergency situations. This week I would like to take this opportunity to discuss the need to address Mental Health in our schools.
The 1st article that caught my eye this week involves a counseling program for students in the University of Missouri’s veterinary program.1 The author of the aforementioned article indicates that several veterinarian and medical school programs have experimented with embedding counseling services in their doctoral programs but not much data exist to suggest that doing this—known as an intervention—has a positive impact. Enter MU researchers…who designed a study that looked at over 400 vet students from 2016-24. Their findings suggest that “veterinary trainees who took advantage of embedded counseling services reported improvements in psychological distress…” (e.g., depression, anxiety, academic distress, eating concerns and substance use). In addition, they noted that “embedded counseling programs may enable veterinary students to manage their personal and academic challenges” (i.e., financial stress, chronic health issues and traumatic experiences).
Which leads me to the 2nd article that examines the need for ~100k Mental Health professionals in our nation’s K-12 schools…possibly a result of the COVID pandemic.2 When it comes to counselors, psychologists, social workers, and therapists, one expert interviewed posits “while demand is going up, supply is going down.” This author notes that one principal had an opening for a school psychologist posted for 1 year without a response. This led him to becoming creative. Wherein, he recruited a nearly-completed social worker student under an emergency license provision. With most traditional MH pathways requiring at least 6 years of schooling, more options must be examined. The recommended ratio for MH professional to students is 1:250. While some schools meet this criterion, most do not! As a matter of fact, the national average is 1:1157. To be sure, caution must be taken when approaching this dilemma. 1) MH issues cannot be left to ill-properly trained people. 2) Task-shifting may result in lessening the attractiveness of these professions…not to mention the salaries involved.
These matters impact all of us! How is your industry, company, organization, etc. addressing the MH needs of your workers? After all, some of those K-12 students in systems with 1:600 ratios eventually become your employees.
Sources: [1] https://showme.missouri.edu/2025/do-embedded-counseling-services-in-veterinary-education-work-a-new-study-says-yes/
Creating a supportive work environment
An “ice rink” to fight opioids crisis?
Mexican Cartels labeled as Terrorists
China / Mexico / Money Laundering
Veterinary Programs & Counseling
Plan Your Day Around Shifting Moods
Romans / Lead Coins / Lower IQ
Football tied to Another CTE Victim
AL: The deadliest workplace in America
H2-B Visas: Wage vs Worker Shortage
Pick to head US-DOL…a turncoat?
Labor Secretary Nominee & PRO Act…
Keeling nominated to head OSHA
NLRB retracts Biden-era enforcements
Boeing / Whistleblower / Death
NY Gov / National Guard / Strikes
German workers strike @ US bases
Lack of quality jobs or quality applicants?
Drones / Hospitals / Organ Transplants
Update: World Cup & Sexual Assault
Upcoming Webinars, etc.:
Black History Month: A-A & Labor (2/27)
Columbia Suicide Prevention Protocol
NOTE: The links provided above are for informational purposes only. None of these serve as a substitute for medical advice one should obtain from his/her own primary care physician and/or mental health professional. Please contact jgaal@moworks.org with related questions or comments.
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